当地时间21日,激进气候环保组织成员把稀释过的炭制成的黑色液体,倒入了意大利首都罗马的著名景点特莱维喷泉(Trevi Fountain,也被称为“许愿池”),整个水池都被染黑了。此事引发外媒关注。Climate change activists turned the blue water of the Trevi Fountain in central Rome black with diluted charcoal on Sunday.
路透社:气候抗议导致罗马特莱维喷泉水变黑据CNN报道,约10名来自气候环保组织“最后一代”(Last Generation)的成员跳进这座巴洛克风格的喷泉。他们举着横幅,上面写着:“想想艾米利亚-罗马涅大区正在发生的事情,我们不要再为化石燃料买单了。” 另一些横幅上则写着“我们的国家正在灭亡”的标语。
NBC视频截图报道指出,艾米利亚-罗马涅大区位于意大利北部,横幅上所指的是该地发生的致命洪水,一些专家认为其与气候危机有关。Around 10 activists from the climate group Ultima Generazione (Last Generation) entered the 18th century late-Baroque fountain holding a banner that said, “Let’s not pay for fossil campaigns considering what is happening in Emilia Romagna.”
NBC视频截图罗马警方表示,所有活动人士都已被逮捕,并面临破坏公物的指控。All activists were arrested and face vandalism charges, Rome police said.vandalism /ˈvændəlɪzəm/:故意破坏公共财物罪
NBC视频截图负责拉齐奥地区(包括罗马)的人事、城市安全、地方警察和地方当局事务的路易莎·雷门蒂(Luisa regenti)委员谴责了这一行为。她在一份书面声明中说,这是“生态破坏者一次又一次的示威行为”,袭击了“世界闻名的象征着罗马地方”。Luisa Regimenti, councilor for personnel, urban security, local police and local authorities in the Lazio region, which includes Rome, condemned the act. In a written statement she said that it was the “umpteenth demonstrative act of eco-vandals” that hit “a symbol of Rome universally known in the world.”罗马市长罗伯托·瓜尔蒂耶里(Roberto Gualtieri)在推特上写道:“受够了这些对我们艺术遗产的荒谬攻击。今天,特莱维被染黑。修复起来既昂贵而且复杂,希望没有造成永久性的损害。”
Rome Mayor Roberto Gualtieri tweeted: “Enough of these absurd attacks on our artistic heritage. Today the #FontanadiTrevi was smeared. Expensive and complex to restore, hoping there is no permanent damage.”他告诉当地媒体,这座30万升的喷泉将不得不被清空,而且染色的水也必须被处理掉。“这将涉及到一项重大的干预措施,花费时间、精力和水。”He told local media on the scene that the 300,000 liter (66,000 gallon) fountain would have to be emptied and that the dyed water would have to be thrown away. “This will involve a significant intervention. It will cost time, effort and water.”
罗马市长发布的另一条推特,照片显示工作人员正在清理喷泉污水英国天空新闻网主持人詹姆斯·麦克弗森(James Macpherson)在近期节目中吐槽激进气候活动人士的举措是一种愚蠢的破坏行为:“你们是有多蠢,觉得证明自己想要一个清洁地球的最佳方式就是去污染水源。” 麦克弗森说,“我们以污染抗议污染?这根本说不通。”
Sky News host James Macpherson says climate “bedwetters” have turned the water in Rome's Trevi Fountain black in an act of “senseless vandalism”. “How stupid must you be to think that the best way to prove you want a clean planet is by contaminating water,” Mr Macpherson said. “We fight pollution with pollution; it doesn’t even make sense.”据CNN报道,其实,这已经是激进气候环保组织成员第三次将木炭投入罗马的著名喷泉。今年4月,他们在西班牙台阶(Spanish Steps)底部的破船喷泉(Barcaccia Fountain)倾倒了木炭。5月,他们又把矛头对准了纳沃纳广场的四河喷泉(Fountain of Four Rivers)。该环保组织声称对每起事件负责。This is the third time activists have put charcoal into famous fountains in the eternal city. In May, they dumped charcoal in the Fountain of Four Rivers in Piazza Navona and in April they targeted the Barcaccia fountain at the base of the Spanish Steps. The group has claimed responsibility in each incident.CNN报道指出,此前,意大利北部发生了洪水,造成至少14人死亡,超过3.6万人流离失所。一些气候环保组织批评意大利政府没有做好应对气候变化的准备。Some climate groups have criticized the Italian government for not being prepared for climate change in the wake of the flooding in northern Italy that killed at least 14 people and displaced more than 36,000.据介绍,意大利有个传说,游客只要向“许愿池”里投一枚硬币,有一天就一定能回到罗马。每年约有100万至150万欧元的硬币被收集起来捐给天主教慈善机构。据罗马旅游局,在旅游旺季,每天约有3000欧元被投入许愿池。Legend states that anyone who throws a coin into the fountain will ensure their return to Rome. Each year around 1-1.5 million euros in coins are collected for the Catholic charity Caritas. Around 3,000 euros a day are thrown into the fountain during busy tourist months.来源:CNN 路透社 英国天空新闻网China Daily精读计划来了!每天20分钟,带你学英语,看世界!