anxi(apt arm anxi璇嶆牴璇嶇紑)

act / ekt/ vi. n. 1

action / 'aekfan/ n. 1

actor / 'aekta/ n.

actress / 'aektris/n.

react / ri( ) 'aekt/ re act) vi. 2(against)

reaction n.

reactive a.

interaction intar'sekfan/ + acti

interact intar'aekt/ vi. kt/ vi.,

Exercise A-2 (1)

1. The acid on the metal and a gas is given off.

2. Putting an acid and a metal together causes a

can play any role.

speak louder than words.

5. How did he when you called him a fool?

6. Mr. Smith will as chairman of the committee.

7. The creature begins to with the world around it.

active 'aektiv actively ad.


activate '

actual '

actually ad.




agenda / e'dzendo/

/ 'aed3iteit/ . agitation n.

Exercise A-2 (2)

1. He is the most member in the team.

2. This book is based on an case.

3. He is always in keeping appointments.

4. Japan is now enjoying great commercial and industrial

5. The people who have power are the owners of big industries.

6. These push buttons the lift.

7. You should operate themachine as the directions say.

8. I got the job through the employment

9. She's not a good actress, but she gets a lot of parts because she has a good

10. There is a motion on the of the meeting.

A-3 = put, join

add / aed/ vt. vi.(to)

addition / a'difan/

additional a.

Exercise A-3

1. Susan is studying French and history and in she's taking piano lessons.

2.Thirteen to seven is equal to twenty.

3. The cost of the building up to 100 million American dollars.

4. This problem is to their major financial anxieties.

A-4 air, aer

ea/ n. . air/ea/

airplane/ aeroplane / 'eaplein/

aircraft eakra:ft/

airline n. () * airline

airport n. airport

airmail / 'eameil/ airmail 1/n.,

Aaerospace / 'earauspeis/

atmosphere / 'aetmasfia/ atmo = air sphere


laetmas'ferik/ Exercise A-4

1.We the room by opening the windows.

2. Birds fly through the

3.Which are you travelling by?

4. I shall send this parcel by

5. This is her first flight in an

6. We landed at a small

7. He is an engineer. His work is to design rockets.

8. He grew up in an of love and trust.

A-5 all [ E.

all / o: 1/ a. 1

/ 'o: / al( = all) + most


also / 'olsau/ al( = all) + so ad.

although / o: 10'au/ [ + though] conj.

altogether / : lta'geoa/ al+ together) ad.

already / o: 1'redi/ ad.

always / 'o: / + ways ad.

* overall / 'ouvars

. [pl.]

Exercise A-5

pretending to be asleep, the child was really awake and listening.

ne visitors exclaimed at the beauty of the place.

3. Though he has read a number of books, he still re- mains limited in his knowledge about the world.

4. No matter how badly she has slept, she gets up ear- ly.

5. You will get more a week

6. I'm studying English but I am studying French.

7.The measurement of our classroom is 25 square me- ters.


* alter/ 'o: lta/ vt. alteration n.


alternative / o:l'ta:nativ/n n.1 a. alternatively ad

Exercise A-6

1. Will you the suit to fit me?

2. I asked the tailor to make a small to my skirt be- cause it was too long.

3. You can to Shanghai by plane or, by train.

4. The weather between sunshine and rain.

5. John and Mary go to hospital to look after their sick mother days.

A-7 ambi, amb L. ) = both, around


ambition / eem'bifan/ ambi

/ bifas/ a.

ambiguous / eem'bigjuas/

ambassador eem'baesoda/ amb+ ass( = act) + ador

embassy / 'embasi/ n.

ambulance/ 'sembjulans/ amb+ ul( = go) + ance

Exercise A-7

1. A boy who is filled with usually hard.

2. He is to succeed in politics.

3.The of African countries are invited to the gathering.

4. The Chinese is a big building.

5. He gave an reply to my request so I don't know what to do.

A-8 anxi L.

anxious / 'aenkfas/ a. anxiously ad.

anxiety / aeng zaiati/ n.1,

Exercise A-8

1. The crew are now waiting struction from their captain. in the room for the in-

2. The mother was filled with health. about her child's

3. It's time to go home. Your mother will be

4. children are to go to the party.

A-9 apt KL. = suitable A-9 ap

ept/ a. (to) apt /

itude / 'aeptitju: d/ n.

attitude / /att att(=apt)+itude)

/a'daept/ ad + apt


adaptation iaedaep'teifan/n

adaptable/ a'daeptabl/ a.

Exercise A-9

1. He has worked out a plan for the novel for the screen.

2. To my delight, my daughter quickly herself to the new situation.

3. Her quick to the new environment is admirable.

4. Americans are to end a statement with a d the eyelids.

5. What's your to his rude conduct?

6. The new auditorium is for either theatrical or spor events.

A-10 arm L.

arm/ a: m/ n. , [pl.]

armed a.

disarm dis+ v.

army/ 'a: mi/ n. 1

alarm / a'ia: m/ al( = ad)+arm
